Sunday, 5 April 2015

DIY Easter egg

Eastern is right around the corner and what else should you do than taking time for decorating your room from winter to spring, doing some spring cleaning and definitely making colorful and cheerful Easter eggs. 

Hey there, welcome to my first DIY on my blog inspired by YouTube – of course. I watched a video about how to make Easter eggs out of plastic eggs, but I thought it was handier to make them out of real eggs. It is actually pretty easy and for me one egg just needed half an hour to make. So it is also a special gift or a fun activity to do with friends or family, or even both. They will cheer up and spring up (does this word exist after all?) your room with all its bright colors. So without further ado let´s get started.

By the way, I suggest using white eggs because they are easier to paint on and colors will stand out more than when using a brown egg. Whatever first of all you need to remove yolk and egg whites out of the egg without breaking it.  For that difficulty I found a simple, working and also kind of fascinating hack. I´ll try to explain, but if you want a video instruction there is one too….below ;)

If you need an egg holder I recommend using a bottle cap – for me it worked. Than with a needle and for example a wood spoon as a beater punch a little whole into the egg until it has the size you desire. Repeat on the other side of the egg, but this time keep the whole as small as possible, because later on you don´t want it to be noticed. Next the magic is going to happen – just blow into the smaller whole and voilà I promise everything will flow out of the egg, so make sure you have a case to catch the egg contents. Just saying because you can still eat it. Lastly let water go through the egg a several times to make sure it is clean and after that dry. Now your egg is ready to be painted. As a quick info: If you want to receive a notification when I upload a new blog, just sign in for free notifications by mail. 

I used acrylic paint for my egg and it worked very well. Alternate I also tried it with nail polish which was fine but the colors are not as bright and strong.  So as pattern ideas, you can totally feel free, be creative and paint whatever you want. Every egg will be unique especially because you made it yourself. Still this is how I painted my egg. As an inspiration: what about cute polka dots, ombré stripes, flower or classy zigzag pattern, unusual but outstanding stars, or even one color eggs can look amazing!

Last step, that actually is optional, is to add a thread so you can hang the Easter egg up. Just roll a piece of paper and wrap the thread a lot of times around the middle of the paper until it is secure than knot. But please be aware that the piece of paper has to fit through the bigger hole of the egg. Now, finally, your beautiful egg is ready to adorn your room.

Please send me a picture if you make this egg, I would love to see it! Also like if you do and follow me on google for free or sign in for free notifications by mail. Than you won´t miss any post.
Thank you so much for reading and bye for now.
Your Mary

Here is more decoration, or gift ideas for spring by laurdiy and AlishaMarie


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