Sunday, 22 March 2015

Pranking: Caspar Lee and Thatcher Joe

Roommate tag - Caspar and Joe
If I ask you to think of some cute British male Youtubers who would you think of? Danisnotonfire, Marcus Butler, Alfie from PointlessBlog, Charlieissocoollike...? There are so many, I could go on forever. However today I want to talk about Caspar Lee and Joe Sugg. I bet you know them if you have dealt with British Youtubers before. In any case here is a description of them:                                  
Joe has light brown hair while Caspar has dark blonde hair. Joe who was born in 19991 is now 23, Caspar was born in 1994 and is 20. They were both born in England, have one sister (Joe´s sister is the famous beauty blogger Zoella), blue eyes, make funny youtube videos, live in London as roommates.
Both of them never fail to make you laugh by talking about funny incidents, embarrassing themselves, taking on challenges, or pranking each other.
And belive me especially those pranks are insanely crazy good. I am aware prank channels exist but I still liked Joe and Caspar´s prank war most. So if you are looking for some pranks to recreate on April Fool´s day, or any other day, or just wanna *rolling on floor laughing. Either way this prank videos are exactly the right thing for you. And there are over 12 of them for you including loads of different pranks on different levels and between ourselves I feel like the prank war is not over yet.

Well, it all started when Caspar was on vacation in America in June 2014 and decided to prank call Joe to tell him he´d never come back. Caspar wanted to stay forever in America because he had so much fun and even arranged his friend Scott and introduced him to Joe as "the new roommate". To top everything of Caspar tells Joe another that you need to see Joe´s reactions. Joe end up saying he "wanna cry right now" and I totally alternate between feeling pity for Joe and wanting to support cheeky Caspar. 

But surely Joe can´nt not take revenge so he invented the prank Caspar Lee week. I can´t decide which prank video is my favourite, but this is definetly pretty high in rank. So as you can tell from the title Joe pranked Caspar for one week (actually it is six days) in very creative ways. Here I admire Joe´s patience and strict discipline to wait for over an hour in a wardrobe or wake up incredibly early to prank Caspar. I don´t know if I could do that..... However Caspar asks kind of justified if Joe has "nothing better to do with [his] life".  Guess what Joe´s answer is: it is an "Aha" and a gloating laugh (in a matey way) following. 

It is very worth watching, I enjoyed them so much, I am very sure you will too. I can´t tell you the order of the prank war but trust me you can watch them in no particular order and still understand everything and be amazed by everything. In my entire youtube prank story (which is not that big, actually pretty short) there is no prank war that creative, effortful, well prepared and made with love than from this two good friends. I think there is no winner for this prank.... while Caspar is fighting with quality, Joe is responding with quantity. So I let you decide.
If you want to watch those hilarious pranks called
creepy old man massage or TV prank on my roommate, just type Joe Caspar pranks into the search box. You won´t be disappointed. 

Thank you for reading. Please like, share, subscribe, comment if you watched the pranks. 
Your Mary 

Want to see my last blog about nigahiga and the dress? click here

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