Sunday, 3 May 2015

Going to VGHS? Or just watching?
Are you looking for a full, free and fun series to watch? Well, you can find video games high school to watch on YouTube. Wait a moment - before you pull back because you are not interested in video games and anything including ones, let me tell you that you'll still regret not watching the series! 

Even for me  (a non gamer) VGHS was really enjoyable, it even encouraged me to buy a video game for my play station (which I only used for Sing star so far and I could experience all the steps every series-watcher goes through like in every other good series.

x WARINESS : about how good the series actually is 
x increasing PLEASURE and not being able to stop watching
x starting to love and FEEL CONNECTED to the characters and every single detail 
x HATING to be aware of watching the last episode 
and finally x being in a state of EMOTIONAL VOID because the series is over 

I bet you can relate to these feelings when you have ever watched a good series and if not, VGHS is going to be the first good series that you watch. So - as you can probably tell - I really like VGHS. 
It is created by the YouTube channel rocket jump (there'll be a link at the end of the blog for you to watch the first episode) is a mixture of action, comedy, science fiction and includes 21 episodes separated into 3 seasons. 

To give you an overall idea about what makes the serious so compelling here is a quick description:

In a world where pro-gaming is the most important sport Brian D. an enthusiastic hobby gamer, lives his pretty normal unexiting life with his mom and cat and a lot of gaming. One day he manages to perform some kind of miracle (I won't tell you what 'cause no one likes spoilers) and gains a little bit of famousy which eventually makes his big dream come true. He is able to become a student of video game high school. 
There he learns not just all about gaming, but about what it means to be a friend, to play in a team, about first love and working for ones dreams. Along with quirky Asian guy Ted, smart cutie Ki, adorable Jenny and last but not least The Law. 
All this characters are unique and lovely in their own way, have their own detailed life story and obstacles everyone faces. In VGHS topics like death, parents, pressure responsibility are also discussed and it is actually a pretty deep story although it might not occur like it at first. 
Whatever, I laughed a lot while watching, the visual effects are enormously good and it is a brilliantly heartwarming story.  
It's totally worth watching, so I recommend doing it! 

So guys down below is the first episode of season one. I hope you'll watch some of them right now or in the evening with some nice sweets and crisps under your warm cozy blanket. 

Thank you so much for reading and please let me know in the comments if you like the series and who is your favourite character. 
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The next post is going to be about some yummy marmalade cookies. 
Thank you again and see you soon. 
Your Mary. ^_−☆

Wanna read a post about an awsome prank war on YouTube between two very famous british Youtubers? 
click here  


  1. Did you watch some episodes?
    Whatever my favourite character is Ki. I adore her red hair and it is amazing what a good friend she is. What do you think??

  2. Watched it all, and cried a lot during the last few episodes T^T

    1. Same ^^ but I also laughed a lot
      and thanks for commenting


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