Friday, 30 October 2015

Happy Halloween - The Most Terrifying Date Ever

Fall season has started: leaves have turned red or yellow and have fallen down, simple lattes have changed to pumpkin spice lattes, beanies and scarves have become the fashion essential, everyone is in the mood to cuddle and chill near the fireplace. And through this time of coziness everyone waits for one day, the highlight of every fall - Halloween. 

You have probably watched enough Halloween make-up, costume and decoration videos, but I bet you haven´t watched superwoman Lilly´s and FouseyTube´s star Yousef´s date video, yet. It is not just an ordinary date, it is the most terrifying date. I sure would not want to experience what Lilly goes through. 
As all of Lilly´s videos this one is original, way too creative to not love it and her positivity, naivety will definitely make you laugh. It´s hilarious how she responds to will get what i mean, if you watch the video. 

So without further ado, here it is.

Happy Halloween! 

Please like, share and comment what you do for Halloween, I am curious! 

Thank you and see you soon! 
Your Mary ((@_@))

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