the mother of all C´s: crazy, cute, cool K-pop
Personally, I am rather interested in Japan than Korea, but I still appreciate Koren´s fun culture, sometimes watch music videos (they are amazing, you should check them out) or even listen to some songs.
However, I found a Buzzfeed series including 5 videos of the Try Guys; Keith, Ned, Eugene and Zack (my favorite 4 guys from Buzzfeed) who get to know the Korean culture. So if you like this Buzzfeed post which is my second one, please give it a like, follow me per e-mail (you can find the subscription bar at the top) and without further ado, let´s get started.
I did try to think of an appropiate introduction for this video, but I just coldn´t think of anything creative. That´s why I just write: here is the first video of the Try guys watching K-pop for the first time. (well, actually except for Eugene who is Korean)
"South Korea is the cool kids table, right?!" ;)
For part 2 let´s get beautiful, guys.
Eugene, Ned, Keith and Zack are made up by a beauty Youtuber. But it´s not just typical make up, it´s K-pop Idol makeup and to top off the make up session, the four do a photoshoot, too.
Btw. watch out for Ned´s hot face at 1:08
Next video is all about - my favourite topic - food. Korean food to be specific and you can even recook the recipes if you like, you can find the links to the Korean mom´s blog in the description box. I really get hungry just watching this, but more importantly the guys are hilarious!!
In the next
video of this K-pop series, the four Try guys recreate K-drama scenes: including
comedy Scenes, fight Scenes, romance Scenes. You can´t help but cringe the
whole time.
"I spilled
all the glue on my hand" -touches Ned´s hand "Oooh" By the ways
this video is filled with Oohs and Aaahs.
And I beg
you to watch the video to the end, it won´t disappoint you…but maybe shock and
unsettle you. #SorryNed´sWife
“You´ve got
lipstick on your nose, Eugene” ;P
So finally the
last video is the grand finale. Just in two hours the guys create a dance choreography
– with the help of a K-pop dance artist. AND guess what, after those two hours
they have to perform at the K-con in Los Angeles. “My stomach goes nuts” says
Of course
as a totally professional K-pop Group the Try Guys called themselves TGIF
(watch the video to see what it means) and everyone receives a role: The
leader, The Diva, the pretty boy, the bad boy.
I hope you
enjoyed this post and the 5 awesome videos about K-pop.
If you did
please like, follow and share. Thank you a lot!!
See you
Your Mary (*^^*)/~~~
Here is the link to my first BuzzFeed video - 30 days without sugar
Do you like magic? Read my post about mAgiC
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