Saturday, 17 October 2015

The Try Guys Try K-POP

Irish step dancing, surviving in nature, drag queen make up, UFC fighting, wedding dresses, Magic Mike....The Try guys have tried everything in the past years and know it is finally time fot them to try: 
the mother of all C´s: crazy, cute, cool K-pop

Personally, I am rather interested in Japan than Korea, but I still appreciate Koren´s fun culture, sometimes watch music videos (they are amazing, you should check them out) or even listen to some songs.
However, I found a Buzzfeed series including 5 videos of the Try Guys; Keith, Ned, Eugene and Zack (my favorite 4 guys from Buzzfeed) who get to know the Korean culture. So if you like this Buzzfeed post which is my second one, please give it a like, follow me per e-mail (you can find the subscription bar at the top) and without further ado, let´s get started.

I did try to think of an appropiate introduction for this video, but I just coldn´t think of anything creative. That´s why I just write: here is the first video of the Try guys watching K-pop for the first time. (well, actually except for Eugene who is Korean)

"South Korea is the cool kids table, right?!"  ;) 

For part 2 let´s get beautiful, guys. 
Eugene, Ned, Keith and Zack are made up by a beauty Youtuber. But it´s not just typical make up, it´s K-pop Idol makeup and to top off the make up session, the four do a photoshoot, too. 
Btw. watch out for Ned´s hot face at 1:08 

Next video is all about - my favourite topic - food. Korean food to be specific and you can even recook the recipes if you like, you can find the links to the Korean mom´s blog in the description box. I really get hungry just watching this, but more importantly the guys are hilarious!!

In the next video of this K-pop series, the four Try guys recreate K-drama scenes: including comedy Scenes, fight Scenes, romance Scenes. You can´t help but cringe the whole time.
"I spilled all the glue on my hand" -touches Ned´s hand "Oooh" By the ways this video is filled with Oohs and Aaahs.
And I beg you to watch the video to the end, it won´t disappoint you…but maybe shock and unsettle you.  #SorryNed´sWife

“You´ve got lipstick on your nose, Eugene” ;P

So finally the last video is the grand finale. Just in two hours the guys create a dance choreography – with the help of a K-pop dance artist. AND guess what, after those two hours they have to perform at the K-con in Los Angeles. “My stomach goes nuts” says Ned.
Of course as a totally professional K-pop Group the Try Guys called themselves TGIF (watch the video to see what it means) and everyone receives a role: The leader, The Diva, the pretty boy, the bad boy.

I hope you enjoyed this post and the 5 awesome videos about K-pop.
If you did please like, follow and share. Thank you a lot!!
See you soon
Your Mary (*^^*)/~~~ 

Here is the link to my first BuzzFeed video - 30 days without sugar
Do you like magic? Read my post about mAgiC 

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