Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Youtube Rewind 2015

Hello Dear Reader,

So, 2016 has begun and as every year YouTube recorded a YouTube Rewind with the most famous music, dances, trends, highlights and youtubers. This year it is called YouTube Rewind: Now Watch Me 2015.  But before I stard to review the rewind

There are a few things I need to say.

Firstly, Happy New Year. I hope you had a great New Year´s Eve and I wish you everything best for 2016.

Secondly, I am sorry for this very late post. I know I have not written anything for what seems forever. Yes, I have been extremly busy, but still it makes me cringe at my lack of posts the last months.

Thirdly, I made an instagram account and I´d love you to check it out. There I post pictures of my traveling.

Fourthly, I am in my last year of school which means that being busy will not end until summer. Here in Germany we write a graduation exam called Abitur and since I want to be successful I will study hardly which means I do not have enough time for this blog. I will try to post once in a while. Sorry for that! 

However, let´s appreciate the YouTube Rewind 2015 now:

I must say, that this year I loved the use of bright colors and the beautiful scenery. It totally made the video cheerful and the dance scenes made me want to dance along with the youtubers. The transitions between the songs were felicitous - in my opinion way better than in 2014. 
Also I was so proud Lilly received such an important role in the video, her dance moves were the best and the skeleton effect was simply priceless.
While watching I recognized so many awesome youtubers, I cannot even name them all. I was also pleased, that youtubers from Germany and Japan were feautured, although just shortly. 
I only missed one person and that is Ryan Higa and the whole RHPC crew. So sad they did not participate, but as a consolation they made an own YouTube rewind - the Reryan.  
When I have to compare them obviously Ryan´s Rewind is way funnier than the original one, but I still like both, because both groups put a lot of work in it. Both are very succesful and fun to watch, so please have a look. 

YouTube Rewind: 

YouTube ReRyan 

Thanks for reading and thank you for 2015. 
I hope we have an awesome 2016, let´s make the year unforgettable. 

Your Mary (^o^)

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