Friday, 6 March 2015

Let´s start off with Ryan Higa
You have probably heard of the youtuber Ryan Higa also known as Nigahiga. His channel has nearly reached 14 million subscribers which makes him quite a big and successful youtuber. All his 223 videos....
are extravagant, complex and made with a lot of effort. But most importantly every single video is hilarious and makes you easily laugh. I always feel awkward when I am alone in my room, starring at my computer and can´t stop giggling. I bet you know what I am talking about and if not you will understand what I am talking about after watching Ryan´s videos. Or at least you will appreciate the good quality the videos have, they are even reminiscent of short movies because of their big effects and surprising turns. 
Overall view of nigahiga channel
So back to Ryan: he was born on the 6th June, 1990 in Hawaii, has Japanese descent (which explains his Asian look), but now lives in Las Vegas. Ryan and his best friend Sean Fujiyoshi along with Tim Enos and Tarynn Nago started the channel in 2006. They called themselves "The Yabo Crew". The first video is a lip sync of Ryan and Sean. However their lip sync videos didn´t make them that famous but the How to be videos did. Although since they have started every single video is funny and totally enjoyable. BUT I need to warn you about the violence in some of the videos. Well maybe that is a plus for you - for me it´s not. Indeed it´s made silly and isn´t shocking or traumatic for that reason at all, I still can´t laugh about some jokes the videos include. Nevertheless I won´t unsubscribe because that would be a waste of....laugh? fun? I´m sure you get what I´m trying to say. 
So while Ryan studies film making at University he mostly performs alone. The successful video series he started in this time called "Off the pill" for example was made when Ryan didn´t take his ADHD pills. He talks about topics like Dancing, Judgement or weird people. 
 To show viewers what happens behind the scenes a second channel called Higatv was created in 2011. On this channel behind the scenes videos have been posted with a lot of outtakes and nonsense, vlogs to give viewers a look into their everyday life and other fun videos like Parkourse - basically they do what they love most on this second channel.   
You might ask why I´m suddenly talking in plural. Well that is because, while Ryan has always made a lot of videos including friends, or other youtubers, after founding the Ryan Higa Production Company (short: RHPC) their is no video without the members of RHPC including Sean, Will, Greg and Derrick. If you watch some Higatv videos I´m sure you will easily figure out who is who. As a quick hint: Sean is the other nice Asian guy, Will has wonderful red hair and beard, Greg has a signature moustache and Derrick is the one wearing a cap and if he is not, you can recognise him because he is the tallest.
That it is for today. Are you going to check out Nigahiga right away?! You better do, it is totally worth it. 
I hope you like this blog, if so please give it a thumbs up and comment what you think about Nigahiga
Your Mary 

P.S. In case you will wonder what Teehee (the word Ryan uses to end his videos) means....I´m sorry to tell but I don´t know. It is like a shibboleth which is already used many years by Nigahiga and something like the final joke. 

Click here for their main channel - Nigahiga  
Get to know them better on their second channel - Higatv

Below you can watch Nigahiga´s channel trailer: 
It says it´s not epic, but believe me it is.  


  1. Hey! Do u know how Ryan met Greg, Will and Derrick?

    1. Hey! First of all thanks for commenting. ;)
      And, well I'm sorry. I don't know! But I do wonder, too. They are really a great team, it'll be nice to know how they met


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