Saturday, 30 May 2015

Prince Ea - Sorry dear futu.....

Recently I discovered a rapper called prince Ea. I usually don't listen to/watch rap music, but Prince Ea captured me with his videos and the messages he delivers. I especially liked his video called SORRY DEAR FUTURE GENERATIONS! And honestly after watching I really am sorry and know that this has to change! 

SORRY DEAR FUTURE GENERATIONS is a rap about nature, we humans, destroy but if you think the video is like every other anti-environmental-destruction video, then you are very wrong! 

Richard Williams alias Prince Ea has a fascinating, strong charisma which makes everything he says/raps incredibly deep, meaningful. Every word gave me the goose bumps and a chill.

Prince Ea doesn't try to make us cry or feel angry with just showing us heart braking pictures, it is not only a direct appeal to save the environment. But an apology to the future generations because we already caused that much destruction and the way of pointing that out is so unique and different compared to other videos that it made me feel touched, guilty and sad.

Still nature is not lost, completely gone yet. There is a small untouched part that has to be protected. So please watch the video - It is amazing - and let's protect nature as far as we can. Small acts like taking the bike, switching off lights and saving some water seem to be useless, but they are not! Nothing is useless when it comes to pollution control. Don't you think?!

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post, please like it if you did and  subscribe to the free newsletter (it'll just I from you when I post something new).

Your Mary. See you soon (^^)

"This future.... I do not accept it - because an error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it" -Prince Ea 

If you are new to this blog and want to know why I started and what it is about, read my first post.
-> click here  

Prince Ea has other amazing videos on his channel. So please check them out! 
-> click here


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