Friday, 14 August 2015

America´s got talent - Magic Edition

Magic is fascinating, isn´t it?! 
I mean don´t tell me you haven´t been captured 
by some magic in the past.
Everyone has been. It is the Wow-effect, the unbelievable, impossible, the amazement that makes magic irresistible.You don´t understand what happened, how that can be real and that is so addictive about magic - to wonder, be astonished and amazed.                                                                                                                     So here we go with some America's/Britain's got talent - magic edition.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

There is one Superwoman
You probably think that superheroes don´t exist but what if I told you there is one specific hero that does exist? Would you believe me? You better do, because Superwoman is a real, living superhero whose actual name is Lily Singh, whose actual home is Canada and whose actual superpower is to make you laugh and feel good. I introduce to you – iiSuperwomanii