Magic is fascinating, isn´t it?!
I mean don´t tell me you haven´t been captured
by some magic in the past.

For this post I don´t want to spend that much time on explaining, I rather want you to see and experience yourself. So let´s get started right now!
The first magician I want to introduce is Darcy Oake, a (at that time) 26 year-old Canadian Illusionist. I love his humour, especially his answer to Judge Alexa Dixon at 00:28 made me smile.
More than that I laughed at the Judges´ faces they make when Darcy begins with his magic....´cause I made the exact same face as them.
Please enjoy, Darcy Oake
Collins Key is our next and youngest candidate. He is only 16 years old when he performs his magic at America´s got talent and the most active magician (out of these four) on YouTube, so check him out if you feel like doing it. Just one more thing, let me say he is very charming, adorable and his most importantly, his name is on point. Honestly, Collins Key?! - and wearing a key as a necklace....that´s genius, I love it.
Now, here you go
Smoothini (whatever that name is supposed to mean - I kind of don´t get it. So maybe you could explain me in the comment section?!) is a marine who turned into a street magician.
And I totally support that profession change because this guy was born for magic. Just see how everyone reacts and Howie even stands up before the magic starts - that´s how amazing Smoothini is. No, but for real, his confidence, way of talking and presenting himself made me wanna be friends with him.
But, just watch for yourself
Lastly, but not least, is Mat Franco who was the winner of America's got talent 2014. That is actually enough to say, because him winning shows that he is great, or anyhow America thinks he´s great. ....the only way for you to find out is to click the video. It seems pretty long, but believe me time will fly while watching Mat Franco performing his mad magic. By the way, mad in a positive way.
Have fun with Mat.
Have fun with Mat.
You watched it?! Who is your favorite?
I hope you enjoyed.
That´s it for this magic post, thank you very much for reading.
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Again thank you guys, I wish you the best.
Your Mary W(*o*)W
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