Friday, 20 May 2016

8 signs you are the creepy friend

8 signs you are the creepy friend
When you have a doppelgänger
Gangly girl problems
What do all these titles have in common?
Well, kinda nothing, except for...
They are my current buzzfeed favorites
And all three videos are quirky, hilarious and cringe worthy in a good way

When spending time on YouTube sooner or later I guarantee everyone comes across buzzfeed videos. It is sort of an unwritten law of YouTube. Buzzfeed videos are everywhere, in the recommendations, in the up next section. But they are definetely not annoying or troublesome. I believe buzzfeed videos spice up a YouTube session wonderfully. I like to change up my let´s say "whole YouTube experience" with them; they distract me from all the other types of videos, because buzzfeed clips are very different. I cannot tell what it is that makes them so unique: maybe it´s their brilliant quality, their lovely actors/actresses, and their irresistable humor.

However, today I would like to introduce you to my current three favorites of buzzfeed. Here they are

8 signs you are the creepy friend
Have you ever wondered what your friends think of you? Do they thinkyou are a good, reliable, trustworthy friend, or do they think you are weird or even creepy? Or do you know a friend who is sometimes a little bit strange, a little bit creepy? Well, either way this video presents 8 signs you are the creepy friend. Even if you have nothing to do with creep friends I assure you this video will make you smile. It did make me be thankful for my friends, the weird times I share with them and my weird side they accept.

When you have a doppelgänger
I have never had a doppelgänger, but once in a while wondered about having a twin sister. I considered it being really funny and cool, because of all the confusion and sneaky pranks we could play. Have you ever imagined having a twin?
So, I was pretty interested in this video and it was simply great. I felt like understanding how twins and doppelgängers must feel a little bit better. And as a remark; Gaby and Ally truly look confusably similar.

Gangly girl problems
Having no space in cars, knocking over everything near you, bumping against every obstacle; don´t ask why I like this video.... It is basically because I can relate, a lot. I guess I am a gangly girl, too and as one I sometimes really put my foot in it. For example, I recently added drinking water to my soup because I wasn´t paying attention.

Maybe you noticed that I haven´t been posting lately. My last post is from February which is a very long time ago - I am sorry for not posting anything! I am in senior year of high school; I have been busy studying and writing finals. Finally, my last exam was in Latin last monday. I know that is not an excuse for not posting. Luckily, I have some free time now, I am definetely planning on posting more. It would make me glad if you stay tuned.

I hope you liked this buzzfeed selection as much as I did. If you did enjoy this post please leave a like and comment. Sharing this and following me would help me out a lot.

Thanks so much and see you soo
Mary (^^)/


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