Saturday, 30 May 2015

Prince Ea - Sorry dear futu.....

Recently I discovered a rapper called prince Ea. I usually don't listen to/watch rap music, but Prince Ea captured me with his videos and the messages he delivers. I especially liked his video called SORRY DEAR FUTURE GENERATIONS! And honestly after watching I really am sorry and know that this has to change! 

Monday, 11 May 2015

Marmelade cookies

Even when big and extravagant desserts are beautiful and amazing, sometimes I simply feel like stuffing some small, cute cookies into my mouth while drinking some tea, or another drink and reading a nice book, or scrolling through YouTube and other social networks.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Going to VGHS? Or just watching?
Are you looking for a full, free and fun series to watch? Well, you can find video games high school to watch on YouTube. Wait a moment - before you pull back because you are not interested in video games and anything including ones, let me tell you that you'll still regret not watching the series!