Friday, 30 October 2015

Happy Halloween - The Most Terrifying Date Ever

Fall season has started: leaves have turned red or yellow and have fallen down, simple lattes have changed to pumpkin spice lattes, beanies and scarves have become the fashion essential, everyone is in the mood to cuddle and chill near the fireplace. And through this time of coziness everyone waits for one day, the highlight of every fall - Halloween. 

Saturday, 17 October 2015

The Try Guys Try K-POP

Irish step dancing, surviving in nature, drag queen make up, UFC fighting, wedding dresses, Magic Mike....The Try guys have tried everything in the past years and know it is finally time fot them to try: 
the mother of all C´s: crazy, cute, cool K-pop

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Bigger Bolder Baking - with Gemma

Baking is great, 
Bolder Baking is greater, 
and Bigger Bolder Baking is the greatest. 
Therefore I love Gemma´s impressive desserts she presents every week on her channel.
They make me wanna start a bake marathon.

Friday, 14 August 2015

America´s got talent - Magic Edition

Magic is fascinating, isn´t it?! 
I mean don´t tell me you haven´t been captured 
by some magic in the past.
Everyone has been. It is the Wow-effect, the unbelievable, impossible, the amazement that makes magic irresistible.You don´t understand what happened, how that can be real and that is so addictive about magic - to wonder, be astonished and amazed.                                                                                                                     So here we go with some America's/Britain's got talent - magic edition.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

There is one Superwoman
You probably think that superheroes don´t exist but what if I told you there is one specific hero that does exist? Would you believe me? You better do, because Superwoman is a real, living superhero whose actual name is Lily Singh, whose actual home is Canada and whose actual superpower is to make you laugh and feel good. I introduce to you – iiSuperwomanii 

Friday, 17 July 2015

Disney Musicals
Do you like musicals? Because I really do and today I want to introduce you to an amazing YouTube channel called AVbyte, owned by the brothers Antonius and Vijay.

I don´t just tell you that they have a gift for what they do and their videos are great, it is the truth! – However, I have picked the 3 (in my opinion) best Disney related musicals….here they are

Friday, 19 June 2015

30 days without sugar

I love eating and connected with that I love to eat sweets, like chocolate, ice scream, cake, cupcakes, smoothies, gummy bears - just to name  a few. 
But still I decided - together with a friend - to forego added  sugar for 30 days. 

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Prince Ea - Sorry dear futu.....

Recently I discovered a rapper called prince Ea. I usually don't listen to/watch rap music, but Prince Ea captured me with his videos and the messages he delivers. I especially liked his video called SORRY DEAR FUTURE GENERATIONS! And honestly after watching I really am sorry and know that this has to change! 

Monday, 11 May 2015

Marmelade cookies

Even when big and extravagant desserts are beautiful and amazing, sometimes I simply feel like stuffing some small, cute cookies into my mouth while drinking some tea, or another drink and reading a nice book, or scrolling through YouTube and other social networks.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Going to VGHS? Or just watching?
Are you looking for a full, free and fun series to watch? Well, you can find video games high school to watch on YouTube. Wait a moment - before you pull back because you are not interested in video games and anything including ones, let me tell you that you'll still regret not watching the series! 

Sunday, 5 April 2015

DIY Easter egg

Eastern is right around the corner and what else should you do than taking time for decorating your room from winter to spring, doing some spring cleaning and definitely making colorful and cheerful Easter eggs. 

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Pranking: Caspar Lee and Thatcher Joe

Roommate tag - Caspar and Joe
If I ask you to think of some cute British male Youtubers who would you think of? Danisnotonfire, Marcus Butler, Alfie from PointlessBlog, Charlieissocoollike...? There are so many, I could go on forever. However today I want to talk about Caspar Lee and Joe Sugg. I bet you know them if you have dealt with British Youtubers before. In any case here is a description of them:                                  

Monday, 9 March 2015

Brane Games - What color is the dress??
So yeah, what colour is the dress? When I first saw the dress I said: "Well, the dress is blue and white, isn´t it?!" My friend answered: "Are you kidding me? Sure it is." We were pretty confused when we learnt other people seeing different colours and thought it was all a joke. But when the dress turned white and gold for me I honestly was scared because my friend insisted it was still black and blue. We all know every celebrity is talking about the dress mystery as well as....

Friday, 6 March 2015

Let´s start off with Ryan Higa
You have probably heard of the youtuber Ryan Higa also known as Nigahiga. His channel has nearly reached 14 million subscribers which makes him quite a big and successful youtuber. All his 223 videos....

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Starting a new thing

Hello everybody,

here is my very first post on my website "You, me and Youtube", as you can kinda tell. 
I wanted to introduce myself quickly and tell you what I´m going to do with this new thing, called blog, I started.

So, yeah, my real name is not Mary....